
Support Contact 9581821471

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Section A: Public Authority Information

Select Public Authority
*** Authority Level
*** Secretariate
*** Hod
*** District

Section B: Application Criteria

Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ?
* Supporting document (only pdf upto 3 MB)
(Upload the proof of BPL status)

Section C: Personal Information

Section D: Particulars Of Information Solicited

(Only Indian citizens can file RTI Request application)

(Enter Text for RTI Request application upto 3000 characters)

Note:- Only alphabets A-Z a-z number 0-9 and special characters , . - _ ( ) / : & ? \ % are allowed in Text for RTI Request application.

Registration Number
* Specific details of information required
* Additional documents (only pdf upto 5 MB)
(Upload any additional information relevant to the RTI application)

Section E: Declaration

By submitting this application form, I accept and understand that any personal information submitted by me, is to the best of my knowledge both true and correct, and that I understand that any false or inaccurate information or documentation submitted may render the application inadmissable and I may be subject to legal action.
