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How to submit RTI Appeal
This section guides an appellant to know the procedure of submission of RTI appeal online. It helps the citizen to help apply online appeal. Please read the details before proceed further.
- Log into www.rtitelangana.in
- RTI CMM’s home page will be displayed.
- On this screen move your mouse cursor to 'Submit RTI Application / Appeal'.
- E-Request screen will be displayed. Click on 'Submit RTI Application for Appeal'.
- RTI Application for Appeal instruction page will be displayed.
- Read carefully and Click on Accept button.
RTI Appeal against Application page will be displayed in front of you. Please fill up the required fields as given in the form and click on Submit button in the last.
Sl No. | Name of the field | Description | Whether Required |
1 | First Name | Name of the appellant/information seeker is to be mentioned. | Mandatory |
2 | Middle name | Middle Name | Mandatory |
3 | Last Name | Last Name | Mandatory |
4 | Email address | Email Address of the applicant/information seeker is to be given. | Mandatory |
5 | Contact No | Any Contact number is to be given for correspondence. | Optional |
6 | House No | House number is to be given for correspondence. | Optional |
7 | Street Address | Address of the Appellant where he is staying is to be given for correspondence. | Mandatory |
8 | Colony | Colony | Optional |
9 | Area | Area | Optional |
10 | Country | By default it comes India. If other is to be selected from the drop down list. | Mandatory |
11 | PIN Code | Postal Code of the concerned area is to be given. | Mandatory |
12 | State | By default it comes Telangana. Any other is to be selected from the drop down list. | Mandatory |
13 | Subject matter of the information | Subject matter of information should be reflected | Mandatory |
14 | The grounds for appeal | Reson Should be reflected | Optional |
15 | Additional Document | An upload text box with browse button at right side, prompts the appellant to upload the scan copy of the identity in favour of BPL from his/her local computer. It is advised to upload the pdf. copy of the order so as to save both time of uploading and system storage space. | Optional |
16 | Enter Security code | Given numeric number should be entered | Mandatory |